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Time for Relaxation.

This may seem like a silly question! But in the world in which we live, moments of relaxation are at a premium as we try to avoid becoming merely a list of things to do.
But by finding a state of true relaxation, even for a short period of time, we can improve our physical health, improve our memory, it can help us make better decisions, helps us lose weight.

Massage causes physiological alterations throughout your body. Through gentle, safe touches in the right areas, your heart beat and rate of breathing will begin to slow, your blood pressure will decrease, your production of stress hormones reduces and your muscles unwind – leaving you in a state of relaxation.



It isn’t a prerequisite that you need to have a health concern to come and have a massage! Many of my clients come regularly to have a massage because they know how important it is to give themselves some “me” time where they can put their phones on silent, forget about all the errands and just enjoy the peace and tranquillity.

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